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Activity Report Explorer

Willamette Valley • Entered by Cyndi Anderson on October 23, 2019

Leadership Team Retreat

October 22, 2019 – October 23, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 8
Post Admin hours 4
Activity Hours 30
Participants 7
Total Hours 222

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Short Description of Activity

We spent two days planning and restructuring our team and sharing ideas and inspiring each other.


We’ve struggled with the question: Do we split into two Broadbands to better serve two communities in different counties an hour’s drive apart or do we figure out how to do things better with one Broadband? By the end our retreat we had our answer. We will remain the Willamette Valley Broadband, one Broadband, and start doing more with additional leadership in the Eugene area and we have a plan to do this using Leaders for Learning and Advocacy Groups for three focus areas – Forests, Salmon/Rivers, and Climate Crisis.


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Photo Captions

1 – Nancy Whitfield, Maya Abels, Beth Malitz take a break from planning and have coffee in the hot tub
2 – The first one to put the words together to form the Broads mission statement got a bottle of fancy wine
3 – Nancy Whitfield & Chandra LeGue trying to win a bottle of wine
4 – The traditional Riverhouse robe photo – Back row – Beth Malitz, Maya Abels, Chandra LeGue
front row – Carol Savonen, Kathy O’Brien, Nancy Whitfield