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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on January 24, 2020

Salmon/Orca Rally

January 23, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 7.5
Participants 5
Total Hours 39.5

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Save our Salmon

Short Description of Activity

5 Broads attended the Salmon/Orca Rally in Olympia to protest the Task Farce by Gov. Inslee and the lack of action. We brought our signs and urged breaching of the dams on the Lower Snake River. Several speakers and musicians also presented. Jim Waddle, Orca Scientist on San Juan Island, also spoke. We met gals from Polly Dyer as well as the Seattle Broads and had a lot to talk about!


Two Broads opted to leave their protest signs outside on the wall of the Capital building and security personnel promptly stole them. I had mentioned to them that they needed to hide the signs in a safe spot in case of this happening, but they left them there, anyway. Consequently, they were stolen, but we still have 5 more. Perhaps I need to be a bit more assertive about this issue, as the same thing happened in Salem several years ago. The goal of the activity was to elicit public outcry for the plight of the salmon and orca.


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Photo Captions

2–Laurie Kerr
3–from left Tammy Black, Shelley Morrison, Annie Cubberley, Lu Pinson, Joanna Kirchhoff, Lorena Herron
4–from left Shelley Morrison, Lorena Herron, Annie Cubberley, Joanna Kirchhoff, Lu Pinson