Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on February 21, 2020
Leadership meeting
February 11, 2020
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 2 |
Post Admin hours | 1 |
Activity Hours | 3 |
Participants | 5 |
Total Hours | 18 |
Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Short Description of Activity
Judy, Ginny, Micky, Linda and Laurie met to plan upcoming events and activities.
Cascade Volcanoes Leadership Agenda Meeting
February 11, 2020 1:00 – 3:00pm
2817 NE 20th Ave Portland
I Advocacy
Forest Waters Protection Act signature gathering- Felice-
2 weeks of negotiations- Felice got a call last Thursday- Jason Gonzales resigned over this issue. Chandra is taking over for him.
Three provisions- 1. Small buffers on streams- for helicopters
2. Logging buffers on bull trout and in Cascade Siskiyous
3. Mediation- 18 months- who is doing mediation? And what is the public oversight after?
Andy Kerr? Cascadia Wildlands?
Felice to get our advocacy group together- (Felice, Ginny, Jane, Micky, Kathleen, Judy) and keep in touch with Jason. We need to invite him to our advocacy meeting. Micky will talk to Francis and Chandra about this issue.
Malheur Community Empowerment for the Owyhee Act- who wants to work with Bitterbrush on regional committee? They are talking to Wyden’s office today. Then decision has to be made as Broads what to do- sign up if you want to be on this Broads group.
Mt Hood regional group on wildfires. Wyden obsessed with wildfire- continuing talk with him. Part most in danger is the non-logging piece.
Short session-
Cap And Trade-
Governor’s bill- SB 1536, on wildfire. Alex Harris said it will get better.
HB 4075 – Ban coyote trophy hunting.
HB 4105 – ban fossil fuel drilling on state lands
HB 4109- Ban aerial spray of Chloropids- but company may not use it any more.
Lobby Day on February – Felice will go down on February 17 with Charlene.
March in March Judy
March 1- 22- Judy in touch with Gloria. The March starts on March 1 at 11 o’clock on the 1st at Holiday Park. Micky will do google doc and announcement to our BB. Judy will do Sunday, March 1 announcement.
Washington Advocacy issues Laurie
Olympia lobby day- three bills- need letters to editors-Laurie will send info to Linda for LTE.
Citizen’s Climate lobby- February 29- March 1. Agenda is still not set for this event to be held at Heathman Lodge in Vancouver.
Green River Designation- meeting every other Friday. (CFC is running it) Susan Saul is involved. We also want to get a mineral withdrawal to stop a potential exploratory mining operation by Ascot Mining Co.
PIELC- Micky –
Form- five broads went to meet with staff of Jaime Herrera Butler. We talked about the spreadsheet and the need to get politicians to support breach.
PUD list- will get out to all and ask for signups.
April 20 Reed college speaker- I will put in calendar. Here are the dates and locations of upcoming “Dammed to Extinction” shows:
February 15, 2020 ~ Hood River, OR. 7:00 PM. Bowe Theater, Hood River Valley High School, 1220 Indian Creek Rd, Hood River, OR 9703
February 20, 2020 ~ Bellingham, WA. Pickford Film Center. Human Rights Film Festival
March 14, 2020 ~ San Fransisco, CA. 4:00 PM International Ocean Film Festival. Cowell Theater,2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123
April 2-5 2020 ~ Vancouver, B.C. ELEMENTS Film Festival
May 15, 2020 ~ White Salmon, WA
II Education and Stewardship
CES Grant-Education (Forests, Rivers and Wetlands?)Laurie has been going to a class, wants to do rivers and waterways. Ginny? For forests? Maybe Kathleen would also join the event. We can do a
Stewardship (Tree Planting?) Chehalis land trust – they need 2000 trees and we could do it the wek of November 9-13.? Talked to Annie about it. Annie would do food, we will to hikes. Rachel sent info on grant writing with Washington Native Plant assn. Ginny will help her. Laurie is currently looking into other sources. The Washington Native Plant Assoc looked like a difficult grant to write and only $4000 is available. Jan Robinson was not too thrilled with doing it. Linda and Micky will work with Laurie on planning. Laurie to send out a doodle poll to Micky, Linda, Jan Robinson, Jan Strong, and Annie Cubberley.
Discussion about Regional Rendezvous and CES- what we need- Laurie and group will prepare a budget for trees. Will talk about outreach to alternative groups for education. The Rendezvous will be held May 4-8 and Micky will attend for Brats part and Linda, Laurie, Judy, and Ginny will attend whole week. Laurie will work on hikes.
Other Stewardship Opportunities
Columbia Land Trust: Last week was good and 200 plants were planted. There is a possibility for planting on the North fork of Lewis River opportunity. Laurie will schedule.
Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership- Saturday February 23 and March 14. Laurie will announce at meeting.
Forest Service (perhaps bundling this year?) Casey Andrews will be our speaker at Feb meeting. –
WTA half day women’s local event- Susan and Laurie are working on it.
July 13-16- Bitterbrush on John Day- Broadwork
III. Tabling/Membership
Possible tabling event at Tualatin Wildlife Refuge in May 16 at Ecoblitz. Jane to organize and get volunteers.
Membership lists updated and clean-up: Laurie, Ginny, and Linda agreed to split the list and call names which have not paid for last 5 years. These phone calls will be documented in the notes section on the membership list and highlighted in brown
IV. Special Awards? TB presented at Feb. 18 meeting.
March 19 Patagonia event- Micky will do press release-
V. Regional Rendezvous May 4 – 8- Laurie, Ginny, Linda and Judy are going. Micky will go for BRAT on Wednesday. Laurie
VI. WALTZ April 20-24- Micky is going.
VII “May the Forest Be With You” Broadwalk Laurie and Micky are on a planning call.
VIII. Other items
Kennedy School Venue—Shall we continue there for end of 2020? Will decide after we have used it again. Discussion of some procedures in using Kennedy school. Laurie to schedule for October and November 2020.
Reimbursement for mileage for drivers Linda presented a spread sheet. We need to decide the policy and make sure everyone knows about it.
“A Generous Nature” book will be a Portland offering by Dugan for the 2021 Winter Book Group.
Laurie suggested potential speakers for March and April: Columbia Riverkeepers and/or Washington Native Plant Society.
Submitted by Micky and Laurie
The meeting went well and information was shared and well-received. The minutes are attached.