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Activity Report Explorer

Boise • Entered by Martha Bibb on April 22, 2020

Phone interview

April 22, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0.25
Post Admin hours 0.75
Activity Hours 1
Participants 2
Total Hours 3

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Bitterbrush Broadband

Short Description of Activity

Discussed 4 “Guiding Questions” with Joanne Richter
What she loves… Working with other passionate women who share her interests, the “lots of resources” available through Great Old Broads web site and personnel, the ability to define and choose our own identified in our early brainstorming. Great old Broads always have our backs.
Their biggest lesson learned was how diverse their community is and how to delegate responsibilities. Their group had co-leaders and formed a leadership team.Currently they are focussed on the oil pipeline terminal, removing the Snake River damn, and grazing impacts.


Well it went swell. Joanne is so easy to talk to and is knowledgeable and interesting. She is passionate and focused, articulate and dedicated.
I truly enjoy these phone conversations because I find so many like-minded women. I love their enthusiasm and the depth of their knowledge.