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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on July 15, 2020

Cascade Volcanoes Leadership Meeting

July 15, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 2
Participants 5
Total Hours 11

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Short Description of Activity

Judy, Micky, Linda, Felice,and Laurie met to discuss upcoming events.

July 15, 2020 12:00pm

Welcome and what is new? All
a. Jordan Pipeline News Felice
b. Oregon Forest Coalition News Judy
c. LSRD Felice/Micky
d. Pumice Plain Laurie
e. Hantwick Trail Laurie
f. Chehalis River Flood Control Project Laurie
g. Other

2. Education
a. Mt Rainier Speaker August 19 Jeff Antonelis Laurie
b. CES Zoom Speaker, Alexa Brown, August 12 Laurie
c. Book group possibilities
i. “How to Be An AntiRacist” Ibram Kendi
ii. “Me and White Supremacy” Layla Saad
d. Online Podcast/Utube for July 21 meeting Judy
e. Website Felice
f. Jordan Cove Webinar Felice/Micky

3. Stewardship
a. Solitude Monitoring, Spot Device, Trails Laurie
b. Chehalis River Restoration Project Laurie
c. WTA Work Party August 5 Laurie
d. CFC Road Survey Sept 10 Laurie
e. Columbia Land Trust planting Laurie

4. FUN
a. Campout
b. Wash Broads Chit Chat meetings Linda
c. PNW Broads Brunch Bunch Judy/Micky
d. Mosier Campout/Leadership Meeting Aug 7-8 Micky
e. Chapter website Felice

5. Fundraising Laurie
a. “Get in the Buff with Broads”


The agenda is attached. We have started a webpage which is pretty exciting. We have lots of activities on our broadband and hope we can continue to engage our members in events during this difficult time.Leaders still need to enter info for the webpage to get it rolling.