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Activity Report Explorer

Willamette Valley • Entered by Cyndi Anderson on September 26, 2020

Field Checking

July 17, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 3
Post Admin hours 3
Activity Hours 8
Participants 5
Total Hours 46

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Cascadia Wildlands
Landscape/area: Willamette National Forest (1681674 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy actions (5 letters/postcards)
Outcome 2: Trail/land monitored (1 allotments)

Short Description of Activity

This was our first outing with Cascadia Wildlands to learn the ins and outs of timber sale field checking monitoring. We did this on one unit of the Quartzville Middle Santiam proposed timber sale. We learned how to measure the DBH of trees, core trees to determine age, and look for the other characteristics of a healthy forest. In addition we learned about things that can automatically protect specific units from being included in timber sales and logged.


Fabulous! The participants were so happy to get out in the woods and do meaningful work that could potentially contribute to saving a healthy forest. We wrote comments about what we saw to give to Dylan Plummer, the grassroots organizer from CW. Dylan is more than willing to take groups of Broads out as often as possible. This is a huge area and the more ground truthing that can happen, the more fodder for the NEPA process and appeals if necessary.


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Photo Captions

Photo 1 – Cyndi Anderson, Sandy Riverman, Nancy Mauter (and sister) and Chandra LeGue following a field checking outing with Cascadia Wildlands
Photo 2 – Chandra LeGue tries her hand at taking a core sample from a tree in a proposed timber sale