Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Susan Ostlie on December 30, 2020
Sandia Collaborative full group meetings
October 20, 2020 – December 15, 2020
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 1 |
Post Admin hours | 15 |
Activity Hours | 6 |
Participants | 1 |
Total Hours | 22 |
Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Sandia RD personnel, EMRTC, Ciudad and Coronado SWCDs, NM Native Plant Society, several acequia and land grant groups, Monticello HOA, NM Game and Fish, Audubon, Alb MBA, the Nature Conservancy, Alb. and Bernalillo Open Space
Landscape/area: Sandia Mountain Wilderness (37256 acres)
Short Description of Activity
Review stakeholder analysis for project areas,
2) Prepare for November & beyond meetings.
8:15 Team Reports (est. 10 minutes each) – Purpose: We are aiming to engage more stakeholders in the design of La Madera project. Meaningful stakeholder engagement can contribute to the development of lasting and equitable management solutions. The stakeholder analysis methodology that Collaborative teams filled out were presented. These presentations will inform stakeholder outreach and communication strategies.
Project 1 – Landscape Team – Sarah Hurteau – the collaborative added many names and/or groups to the outreach list.
Project 2 – Invasive monitoring project – Tom Stewart – collaborative suggested adding neighborhood associations on east side of Sandia Mt. Plus possibly educating nurseries to stop selling invasives for landscaping projects. (Unlikely)
Project 3 – Tres Pistoles – Susan Ostlie – considerations – Perimeter trail, Carnue Land Grant input, cultural and traditional plant gathering, involving Monticello HOA, lack of parking for heavy usage year-round.
Project 4 – Perimeter trail – Jenny Blackmore – Collaborative suggested adding Acequia/Land Grant concerns and Sandia Bow Hunters Assn.
Project 5 – Sandia Mt. Natural History Center – Lefty Folkman – She has added wildlife as a stakeholder; 600 yard-wide strip known as Hondo Canyon is problematic for perimeter trail. Chart revealed that trail advocates are on the opposite side of the spectrum from many other collaborative stakeholders.
Project 6 – Los Huertas Canyon – Team – Carolyn Kennedy and Lynn Montgomery – other stakeholders need to be added to the project. Pueblos, land grants, acequias.
9:30 – Team Action Planning: Project Team Homework
Teams will be asked to establish an action plan/calendar per the guide/checklist that will be provided to them by the facilitator. Complete three assignments provided by facilitator by October 30th. Schedule zoom mtg.; finish/improve Step 3 and complete the Google sheet of consolidated Stakeholders; write an invitation to the Nov. 17th meeting including a project call to action by Oct. 30th; write a team progress report by Oct. 30th.
These notes are just from the first of three meetings. Each meeting lasts 2+ hours.
9:45 – Next Steps, other items;
Collaborative Representative in SCORP
Report on Sandia Rd from Crystal Powell – District Ranger – see ppt.
Mountain Coaster Collaborative comments options: No Collaborative comments; Comments should be submitted by individual members.
Mgmt committee meeting: Tuesday, November 3.
10:00 Adjourn
We had good attendance for all three meetings, but still need more people to step up and volunteer to work on committees, etc., and to help me take notes for the summary.
The first meeting summary is above – on 10-20-2020; The second meeting was held on 11-17-2020 and the third meeting was held on 12-15-2020. I could attach those summaries, also, but it’s a lot of info. Just like with the management committee, I am responsible for writing the initial draft of the summary, which for this full meeting usually takes me at least 5 hours for each meeting.