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Activity Report Explorer

Cache Valley • Entered by Hilary Shughart on March 11, 2021

WALTS Leadership Call

March 9, 2021

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 0
Participants 0
Total Hours 0

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Trainings (WALTS, CAREs/GLOWs, research, conferences, workshops, etc.)
Key Partners: Pat Welch, Middle Park Broads, Grandby, CO

Short Description of Activity

Phone call with an experienced Broadband leader.


The discussion was reassuring, inspirational, uplifting, energizing and productive!

Reassuring in that I learned that building a Broadband membership takes time, and some have settled on annual meetings with activity sign up sheets (hiking, book group) as an effective way to stay engaged, as many simply do not want to attend regular meetings. An outreach questionnaire was suggested.

Inspirational: Pat shared ideas I can use, such as using a Wilderness Diorama for Tabling events, and Movie Night with silent auction fundraiser.

Uplifting: Pat was very encouraging and she did her training in 2013 and is active and going strong. She confirmed that there’s tremendous support from the National staff for the Great Old Broads for Wilderness, and Sally Sharp, our Grassroots Coordinator has been terrific!

Energizing: I am ready to start planning a tabling event for our Gardeners’ Market Children’s Day, and to look for movies and/or guest speakers.

Productive: Pat suggested the film Wild Hope, by Suez Jacobson, so I searched, found it on Vimeo, and watched it. It was 35 minutes well-spent.

Note: because this was an Intro to WALTS homework assignment I am not entering volunteer hours information, but in addition to spending time formulating questions, and 45 minutes on the phone, I did spend 1 hour 15 mn surfing the Dashboard, and 90 mn watching Wilderness 101 with Chris Barns, and then 35 minutes watching Wild Hope, for a total over 4 hours.