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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on August 16, 2021

In the Flesh Campout

August 5, 2021 – August 8, 2021

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 12
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 126
Participants 14
Total Hours 1777

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Social Events (gatherings, potlucks, plain ol’ fun)
Key Partners: Mt. Adams Resource Stewards
Landscape/area: Mount Adams Wilderness (47122 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Hiked (13 miles)
Outcome 2: Event Attendees (14 people)

Short Description of Activity

“In the Flesh” Cascade Volcanoes Campout at Peterson Prairie


Sharon Frazey, Monitoring and Outreach Coordinator for Mt. Adams Resource Stewards (MARS), was our presenter on Friday Evening. MARS’ objectives includes creating and expanding their Community
Forest which supports a healthier forest ecosystem and local economic development. Currently, MARS Community Forest surpasses 1000 acres. Local partners for MARS includes Columbia Land Trust and Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge where a bullfrog removal project is currently underway. Sharon was very engaging and enlightening. The concept of improving the ecosystem while also supporting the logging industry by logging < 9 in diameter logs was intriguing; however, finding the market for these small lots remains a challenge.

We hiked Lemei Trail down to the junction of the viewpoint. Unfortunately, due to poor weather, we were unable to hike the entire trail down to the viewpoint and the lake. The next day we hiked from Cultus Creek Campground to Cultus Creek and Deep Lakes for a 7 mile loop hike. Again, the rain dampened our backpacks but not our spirits. Barb and Sarah did a fantastic job of researching the hikes and we all hiked together both days.

Laurie took charge of the meals which were Bring your Own the first night. The second night we enjoyed Burritos with watermelon and blackberry cobbler. The third night was pasta with salad and bread. It worked very well to have cooks/preps and clean up crews for each night. The campout was a hit and we had several new members who also participated. We were unable to obtain a group campsite so we camped in individual sites. Linda and Barb led a sing-along around a bogus campfire the last night. Laurie, Carolyn, and Barb shared their camp songs which were both off-key and off-color.

The campout committee consisting of Laurie, Barb, Lorena, Nancy, Sarah, and Micky did a wonderful job in planning, shopping, and obtaining the campsites. We might consider making COVID vaccinations a prerequisite for next time.


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Photo Captions

1- CV Hikers
2-CV Campers
3-CV silly campers
4-CV Campers