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Activity Report Explorer

Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Susan Ostlie on December 29, 2021

RGVBB meeting

November 14, 2021

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 2
Participants 7
Total Hours 16

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Short Description of Activity

RGVBB Group met to socialize and share, and to expand leadership roles and participation.
Here is a little newsletter prepared by Susan to let members know about the agenda and asks. Unfortunately, the Graphics and Photos did not copy…
Fall Greetings, Marvelous Broads and Bros!
What’s Up?
● Meeting on November 14th from 2-4 pm at Linda Starr’s home.
● Purpose is to enjoy each other’s company, to discuss member interests and to recruit members to take on small parts of leadership projects and duties.
● Possibly followed by a walk in a nearby park or the bosque and maybe even enjoying something to eat.
● Linda: NM Green Amendment; Poole project; Shining River Trail maintenance.
● Susan: NM Forest Plan final drafts, final EIS’s and final Record of Decision Objections; Cibola NF Collaborative virtual meetings
More Great Old Broads?
● Leader’s Rendezvous in late Sept in Flagstaff for Susan and Linda – subtitle frozen…
● What are you all up to? Interested in?
● Other? From our meeting?
Co-leader contact information:
● Susan Ostlie – and 505-228-5666
● Linda Starr – and 505- 489-5789
Rio Grande Valley Broadband Newsletter November 2021
RGVBB meetings, Broadwalks, and monitoring projects


Turnout was low – 2 co-leaders + 5 others. We were not able to get any more members to step up and take on leadership roles to help out with Broadband activities. However, several useful conversations were held, with members e expressing support for and interest in doing outdoor service activities. We will meet in January 2022 with Robyn to work on better recruiting for shared leadership roles.