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Activity Report Explorer

Polly Dyer – Seattle • Entered by Penelope Peterson on April 29, 2023

Rally to Save the Salmon and Remove Lower Snake River Dams

January 13, 2023 – January 13, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 2
Participants 4
Total Hours 12

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Youth Climate and Conservation and Debra Ellers from the North Olympic Broadband

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Event Attendees (4 )

Short Description of Activity

With more than eighty others, Genia Moncada, Cathy Gorrell, Pati An, and Penelope Peterson rallied for the salmon at the Youth Climate and Conservation Rally in Olympia, WA, on Friday, January 13th. We were joined by Debra Ellers from the North Olympic Broadband, dressed in an orca suit with her orca colleague, and we were greatly inspired by the speakers who were all college and high school students. These students spoke with amazing eloquence and passion about the need to remove the Lower Snake River Dams and save the salmon..


We gathered at a meeting room in Olympia where we heard speakers from the Youth Climate and Conservation group. Then we marched to the state capitol carrying signs and banners. On the steps of the state capitol, more individuals spoke about the importance of breaching the Lower Snake River Dams and saving the salmon and the orcas. We heard one sixteen-year-old high school student who impressed us with his passion and dedication to the cause of removing the Lower Snake River Dams. We marched in the pouring down rain, but our spirits were uplifted by the enthusiasm of the youth marching with us. As a result, we are hopeful that we may yet see the Lower Snake River Dams removed in our lifetimes!


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Photo Captions

1. Genia Moncada, Penelope Peterson, and Cathy Gorrell advocating to save the salmon and remove the Lower Snake River Dams at the Youth Climate and Conservation Rally in Olympia, WA, on January 13, 2023.
2. North Olympic Broad, Debra Ellers, with her orca pals advocating to remove the Lower Snake River Dams at the Youth Climate and Conservation Rally in Olympia, WA, on January 13, 2023.
3. Polly Dyer Seattle Broads gather with others on the state capitol in Olympia, WA, at the Youth Climate and Conservation Rally to removed the Lower Snake River Dams, January 13, 2023..