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Activity Report Explorer

Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads • Entered by Mary Fleischmann on January 30, 2024

PNW Grazing BRAT

January 5, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 3.5
Post Admin hours 2.5
Activity Hours 1.25
Participants 4
Total Hours 11

Key Issue: Livestock Grazing Management
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Key Partners: Various broadband leaders from PNW

Short Description of Activity

Subcommittee meeting to downsize work load on grazing issues and make some decisions as to what actions we can get more bang for the buck. Ran this by Advocates for the West as to narrowing down what tasks would be more successful for potential litigation if changes aren’t made.


Group decided that we don’t want to spend time getting temperature readings. Temp change has too many variables. Even once cattle are off it is hard to prove. Next steps would be to get information regarding allotments, permits and find out what AOIS are saying about notice of noncompliance. FOIA if we need to. Best practices for us right now would be looking where cows are in wrong places and fences. Get AOI’s. Need to have specific locations, identify brands if you are able – pictures, picture, pictures. Another approach is to monitor requirements/permits – what are they supposed to be doing. What is FS collecting, what is their monitoring (what’s collected) or are they even doing it?