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2024 NEW Activity Report Form

First Things First

Just a little basic Info

Activity Information

Tell us about the activity or event.
Choose best fit
Choose best fit
Specific chapter/district/office helps!
Report Measurable Outcomes
Measurables are quantifiable outcomes associated with stewardship, advocacy, or Broads-hosted public events, like 55 event attendees, 10 LTEs written, 5 miles hiked, 13 postcards sent to legislators, or 20 lbs of invasive weeds removed. Attendee numbers at Broad-hosted events should not include volunteers. Broadband meetings and administrative calls/emails are NOT measurable outcomes.
Choose the best fit.
Choose the best fit.
Choose the best fit.
Just the main facts about the activity.

Hours & Volunteer Information

Include significant travel time in hours.
The length of the activity or event.
Include all Broads volunteers
If you simply tabled or were a guest in an activity, only count yourself and your Broad volunteers. If you hosted and ran the event, enter only your and your Broads' volunteer hours here, and make sure to add all non-Broad attendees as a Measurable Outcome above.
Total number of hours in all activity preparation, including significant travel.
Total number of hours for post event tasks, like cleaning, data entry and follow-up.
Activity hours x Participants + Pre and Post planning and admin.

Photos and Files

Upload photos of 5 MB or less or files of Broadband meeting minutes. To protect your report, always click the Save Draft button before uploading files! A weak internet connection may inhibit uploading.
Please prioritize only photos of Broads working or having fun, appropriate for our website, newsletter and other media. DO NOT include landscapes or scenes without people.
Do you have photos to upload?

Maximum file size: 15MB

Maximum file size: 15MB

Maximum file size: 15MB

Maximum file size: 15MB

Please number the captions 1-4 so we can match them to the images. Thanks!
Ready to Submit