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The Wilderness Act of 1964
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Wilderness (specific) is a great resource for current information:
Public Lands (general)
- America’s Public Lands Explained, U.S. Department of the Interior
- Conservation in the West Poll
- Public Lands Messaging Guide, The Wilderness Society

- Broads’ Energy/Mineral Extraction Webpage
- July 2019 – Drilling and Mining Industry Wish List, report by the Center for Western Priorities
- About Oil & Gas Leasing
- Royalties & Public Revenues From Energy Development on American Lands
- Mineral Extraction Basics, The Environmental Literacy Council
- Methane & Public Lands Fact Sheet, The Wilderness Society

The Wilderness Act of 1964
- Fast Facts
- Read the law
- Broads’ Webinar: Wild for Wilderness 101
- Broads’ Public Lands Livestock Grazing Webpage
- Brief Grazing History and Effects
- Congressional Grazing Guidelines for Wilderness
- Forest Service Grazing Regulations and Policy for Wilderness
- Implications of The Congressional Grazing Guidelines
- Volunteer Range Monitoring, Wild Utah Project
- Grazing Toolbox, Wilderness Connect
- Federal Public Lands Grazing Fee, Western Watersheds Project
Grand Canyon Trust’s Where Cows Don’t Graze Project
(Broads participated in this; resources below)

- Broads’ Climate Change Webpage
- Broads’ Webinar: Climate Change and Public Lands
- Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card 2020
- Fourth National Climate Assessment
- Climate Change Toolkit, Wilderness Connect
- Climate & Public Lands Factsheet, The Wilderness Society