Colorado—Northern San Juan Broadband
Geographic Area
Delta, Montrose, Ouray, San Juan, and San Miguel counties
Broadband Leaders
Leadership Team—Carrie Krickbaum, Christiane Frischmuth, Judith Lopez, Linda McNeill, Peggy Lyon, Sallie Thoreson
Contact Us
Focus areas:
- Protection and expansion of wilderness areas.
- Preservation of large landscape unfragmented habitat for wildlife and climate refugia.
- Participation in public policy related to government agencies’ management plans.
- Public Lands Monitoring – Wildlife and botanical species, recreation impacts, and water quality monitoring.
- Advance environmental justice through engagement with frontline communities.
- Education outreach.
- Advocate for the passage of the Colorado Outdoor Recreation & Economy (CORE) Act (in collaboration with other conservation groups).
- Advocate for the Community Conservation Proposal during the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison (GMUG) Forest Plan Revision.
- Survey for bighorn sheep, raptors, butterflies, and sensitive botanical species on public lands.
- Conduct site visits to BLM and USFS lands to ensure visitor compliance with regulations and policies.
- Collect and analyze monthly water samples for River Watch of Colorado.
- Monitor Colorado Parks & Wildlife’s (CPW) State Trails Program in order to protect ecosystem integrity and resiliency, and unfragmented habitat in the face of climate change, recreation demands, and increasing trail development.
- Collaborate with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color-led organizations to host outdoor field trips/activities.
- Table at public events.
We are seeking engaged members to participate in “boots on the ground” public lands monitoring and stewardship projects, and advocates to engage in comment writing, public meetings and/or phone calling related to public lands protection.
We are also seeking Spanish-speaking outdoor enthusiasts to assist with field trips for families and individuals underrepresented in our organization.
We welcome monetary donations toward any of our projects/campaigns. Thank you!!