Washington—Salish Sea Broadband
Geographic Area
Thurston, Mason, Lewis and Grays Harbor Counties.
Broadband Leaders
Debra Ellers
Contact Us
Focus areas:
- Advocating for the removal of the 4 lower Snake River dams
- Making public lands a part of the solution to climate disruption
- Supporting and supplementing President Biden’s 30/30 plan for healthy forests and increased ecosystem resilience
- Restoring Salmon/Orca to their historic habitat in the Pacific Northwest
- Enjoying and caring for our beautiful area and each other in regular hikes and stewardship with local land trusts
- Collaborating with Green River Valley Alliance, Save Our Wild Salmon, Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team, Black Hills Audubon, Olympic Forest Coalition, Olympic Park Associates, Sierra Club, League of Women Voters, Oly Ecosystems, Cascadia Wild, and more!
- Hosting Broadwalks, educational presentations, environmental book and film discussion groups, Forest Bathing experiences and tabling at local events.
- Collaborating with regional Broadbands in protecting areas around Mt. St. Helen’s Natonal Park from mining, restoring endangered salmon runs, and in building state (Oregon/WA) coalitions to bring beaver back into our public landscapes.
Special Projects:
The Broadband has rallied to support the removal of the lower Snake River dams in multiple cities, including Olympia, Tacoma, Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR. We are now actively engaged in support of the Grand Salmon Source to Sea journey – a paddle of over 1000 miles by four women to raise awareness for a free-flowing Snake River and the restoration of the threatened and endangered salmon and orca whale. We look forward to Governor Inslee and Senator Patty Murray’s plan for a bold new approach to the Pacific Northwest’s ecological, economic and energetic future in July 2022.
Several of our members are involved with other organizations and participate in stewardship activities in our communities, such as the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, the Nisqually and Capital Land Trusts.
Wild Olympics For Our Future: Local Champions from Wild Olympics on Vimeo.