May 2 | Webinar and Comment-Writing Workshop: Greater Sage-Grouse Management Plan

In March, the BLM released its long-awaited draft Greater Sage-Grouse Resource Management Plan Amendment. The plan intends to protect the greater-sage grouse by amending 77 land-use plans across 10 states. The BLM is now accepting public comments on the draft plan and on the BLM’s consideration of potential areas of critical environmental concern (ACECs), which are land designations that can be made in the resource management planning process.
Great Old Broads for Wilderness is hosting a FREE webinar and comment-writing workshop about the draft plan on May 2nd at 4:00 PM (Mountain).
We will be joined by Vera Smith, Senior Federal Lands Policy Analyst at Defenders of Wildlife, who will share her knowledge and perspective on the draft plan as we work together to write effective comments to send to the BLM.
Space is limited—register today!