Juan Palma, the Utah State Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued this statement January 13, 2011, regarding the “Wanted Dead or Alive” posters that were found in San Juan County, Utah in December:

Poster found attached to signs at the trail head to Recapture Wash and on road signs in San Juan County, Utah, in December 2010.
BLM Statement on the ‘Wanted Posters’ – “Posted notices along the Perkins Road in southern San Juan County indicating that the group, Great Old Broads for Wilderness was not allowed in San Juan County “by order of the San Juan Sheriff Office (sic) and the Monticello BLM Office” were not issued or approved by the Bureau of Land Management. These posters are a cowardly attempt by an unknown group or individual to intimidate a legitimate conservation organization that is a civil proponent for the management of public lands in southeast Utah. The notices have been collected by a BLM Law Enforcement Officer as evidence of a threat.”